Turkey Trotting with Your Kids

We’ve made it a tradition to run/walk a Thanksgiving morning 5K with our kids. We started it well before kids in Elmhurst, IL with the Dan Gibbons Turkey Trot. After moving to Watertown and having kids, we started up again by pushing them in their double jogging stroller when they were about two and a half years old. That last hill on Mount Auburn Street was nearly the end of me. Thankfully, Dan came back and rescued me after he had already crossed the finish line at Donahue’s Bar & Grill.

Once we started celebrating Thanksgiving in New Hampshire,we even convinced our exchange student and au pair to join us for the run! It was cold that day, but we all had a ton of fun.

This year, Sean and Dan will run the Turkey Trot in Bridgewater, NH for the fifth year in a row. It’s a super-fun group that offers them a sense of accomplishment to kick off the eating holiday. We love getting the run behind us in the morning and then relaxing for the rest of the day with family and friends around a traditional Thanksgiving meal.

Running or walking the 5K with your family is a great way to reconnect while exercising and challenging yourselves to beat your personal record. Here are some Turkey Trots you can still register for on-site tomorrow morning:

41st Annual Dan Gibbons Turkey Trot, A 5K Run in Elmhurst, IL 

19th Annual Donohue’s Turkey Trot, Watertown, MA  

43rd Annual Bridgewater Turkey Trot, Bridgewater, NH 

And, if you can’t find a Turkey Trot near you, create a new tradition by taking 30 minutes out of your busy morning tomorrow and stroll through your neighborhood, woods nearby, or along the Charles River – you’ll love the conversations that you’ll have with your kiddos.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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