Finding just the right summer camp for your kiddo is only the first hurdle – you have to find it before the camp is sold out! It’s Stress city on top of all of our other to-do items this time of year – making an appointment for a sports physical, planning and hosting Thanksgiving, holiday shopping, and figuring out child care for upcoming school breaks.
Here are some tips to help hunting for the perfect camp a little easier this year.
1. Make a list of priorities. What is important to you? Religion, arts and crafts, water safety, sports, STEM, inclusive philosophy, experience, location, day camp or overnight, or something else?
2. Ask around. Start asking your fellow parents about their experiences. What did they like/dislike about their choices in past summers? What is a good age for sleep away camp?
3. Visit the American Camp Association Site ( Find accredited camps quickly on this website and narrow down your search.
Overnight Lake Camps to Consider: I’ve spent many summers on Newfound Lake in New Hampshire. It’s one of the most beautiful places in the world. There are several long-standing summer camps that operate on the lake and are worthy of consideration:
Camp Berea, Summer Camp for Girls
Camp Pasquaney, Summer Camp for Boys
Camp Mowglis, Summer Camp for Boys
Camp Wicosuta, Summer Camp for Girls
Local Day Camps with Great Reputations: My kids and/or their friends have attended these camps and have reported excellent experiences:
MIT Sports Camp (Registration Opens In January)
Camp Pequassett (Registration Typically Starts in February - see link to last year’s brochure)
We will add camps to Turf as registration opens, so keep checking back here and look for updates in your inbox. There are so many options out there right now. You will find the right fit for your kiddo, for sure! Let us know how your search goes and what you choose, so that we can help other parents with their future search.
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